
Volunteering Opportunity

Volunteer Education AssistantVolunteer members play a vital role in our community and their service makes a real difference. There is NO PAYMENT for volunteering work at PLSWA and those engaging are doing so for no financial gain. All volunteers are required to have a “Working With Children Check ID”. Volunteers are committing minimum of three hours per week for minimum of three months, but this also depends on the needs of the service and the availability of the volunteer.

Training and supervision are provided for all volunteers. Reference Letter, certifying volunteer community work will be provided upon request.

PLSWA offers Education Assistant volunteering opportunity. Whether you are after work experience, want to meet new people or like giving something back to your community; and interested in supporting your community language school by working as Volunteer Education Assistant, please submit your interest using the registration form below.

Filename / LinkSize
2101-PLSWA-Code-of-Conduct.pdf1005.79 Kb
250108-PLSWA Volunteer Registration Form.pdf177.68 Kb
National_Principles_for_Child_Safe_Organisations2019.pdf1.02 Mb
child-safe-organisations-wa-guidelines-web-final.pdf14.35 Mb

Signed application forms to be emailed to info@plswa.org.au to be considered by PLSWA Human Resources Manager (Administrator). Please also provide a copy of your resume along with your application form.

PLSWA Volunteers

Teaching at Persian Language School WA

Teachers are usually elected from candidates who are a member of Iranian Association, have served our school as Education Assistant for minimum of two terms, and became familiar with school curriculum.
For detailed info about the membership of IRANIAN ASSOCIATION INC, please click HERE.